Personal Blog
Hi there, nice to meet you here!
I love hiking, outdoor, nature, traveling, Norway, reading books about personal growth and finance, watching movies, drinking latte’s in cozy coffeeshops with friends, learning new skills and meeting new people and new cultures.
I write blogposts about my future projects in Norway,dogs, finance and health.
Dual citizenship Norway
How To Apply For Your Norwegian Dual Citizenship And Second Passport: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide to apply for your Norwegian Dual citizenship!
Did you know you can still get your Norwegian passport renewed even though they say it is not possible? I share all tips and steps to renew your Norwegian citizenship!
This is the ultimate step-by-step guide to apply for your Norwegian citizenship if:
- You have one Norwegian parent;
- You are older than 22;
- You never lived in Norway.
Grief dog: how to deal with the loss of a dog
This is for you if you grief over the loss of your dog. Here you find the best practices how to grief and deal with the loss of your dog!
To grief about your dog can be a very painful and overwhelming process. I get that since I have lost 3 dogs in my life who were very important to me. In this blog I want to share my own experience and tips to deal with the grief and loss of your beloved dog. I also highly recommend reading a few books about grief for your dog on Amazon or Bol since it has helped me during the process of grieving. You can buy these books here
Kidney failure in dog: what is it and how to treat it
You want to know all about chronic kidney failure in dog and how to treat chronic kidney failure? I share with you my best tips and advice!
In this blog I will share with you all about chronic kidney failure in dog. You learn what kidney failure for dog is and how to treat kidney failure for dogs. Next to the theoretical part the information is based on my own experience with my dog Didi. She suffered from chronic kidney failure and lived 16,5 years thanks to good treatment. My own experience is written is integrated in this blog as well. The reason I share this with you is that I hope you can learn something from my experience and mistakes. I also wrote this blog as a tribute to my best buddy and beloved dog Didi. For 5 years she lived a comfortable and happy life with chronic kidney failure. This is an example that there is hope for other dogs with chronic kidney failure.
Dust mite allergy: best tips how to treat it
Is dust mite allergy making your daily life miserable or are you struggling to control your allergy symptoms? You find the solution here!
Dust mite allergy can be a very serious and annoying issue if you score high on this allergy. Dust mite symptoms can lead to isolation by avoiding certain public places or households from your friends and family. Luckily, there are several options for dust mite allergy treatment. You don’t need to accept your symptoms! There are good treatments for you available! I have struggled with dust mite allergy since childhood. In this blog I share with you my best practices and how I deal with dust mite allergy and treatment for dust mite allergy.
Iceland travel: best tips how to save money in Iceland!
If you have plans to travel to Iceland than you might have noticed it is an expensive travel destination. An Iceland travel can be challenging if you haven't done proper preparations. A cup of coffee with a piece of pie may can cost 15 to 20 euros per person. Or a hotel room may cost you 200 euros. However, it is possible to visit Iceland with a limited budget. This blog is for you if you are traveling low-budget, don't need luxury and don't want to spend too much money. I share with you my best tips how you can save money in Iceland based on our personal experience. This will help you travel on a budget in Iceland. After reading this blog you know exactly where and how you can save money in Iceland!
Northern Lights Iceland: best tips for beginners
Watching the northern lights in Iceland, also known as the aurora borealis, dancing in the sky is something special. With this step by step guide you know how, when and where to see the northern lights in Iceland. Go prepared and be amazed! This guide includes useful information for beginners about how to photograph the Northern Lights Iceland with your smartphone. Be prepared and make good pictures with your (cheap) smartphone even with cold weather conditions and low aurora activity! The picture below was taken with aurora activity 2 which is very low!
Datum laatste wijziging: 25-02-2022
Aanmaakdatum: 26-01-2022
Rubrieken: 7
Links: 14